Awakening the Oracle within you,
Honouring the Light that is you,
Embracing The Path of Empowerment that calls to you by name
Hello & Welcome
Welcome to The Intuitive Oracle.
Here you will find a sacred space devoted to supporting Empaths, Initiates and Awakening Starseeds who are championing their true potential during this momentous time of great shifts and change.
Humanity is awakening. In this time of unequivocal change, many of us are tapping into a catalytic inner awareness that we are here to live courageously and embody a deeper alignment to our true spiritual expression.
Empaths, Initiates and Awakening Starseeds are among the brave souls being initiated now to awaken and lead the consciousness transition. Through inwardly embodying our higher potentials, together, we anchor a New Way for our world.
If your choice is to champion your personal evolution, may you find strength in knowing you are cosmically supported as you undertake your great work during this potent portal of time.
As declared through the power of your innate divine birthright and bestowed unto all through benevolent intelligence, this is our moment to truly become free.
As you awaken your true potential, may you be blessed with the gifts of Truth, Transformation and Freedom.
Thank you for being Here!

Courageous One! May you be brave in your choice to live your Truth,
without worry or expectation. May you be fearless in your choice to champion your Freedom, living in peace and knowing that you are truly safe. May you be bold in your choice to create your own Divine Masterpiece, believing without a doubt that you are worthy of being seen and heard. May you be empowered in your choice to embrace your Inner Agency of Self-Transformation, trusting that your inner work creates inspired change. May you be radiant in your choice to embody your Luminous Self, without ever dimming your exquisite brightness. And may you be heroic on your Path of Empowerment, illuminating a New Way as you go.
In the Light of ALL that YOU Are, may your unique Soul Path Be Blessed.
~ Have a beautiful day.
Spiritual Support
In my personal sessions, I create a safe and healing space for you. Whether you seek insight and empowerment in one area of life or many, I offer you intuitive oracular guidance to support you on Your Path.
I work in Sacred Service to you, while championing your True Potential and personal truth connection.
If you are interested in Intuitive Oracular Guidance, an Energetic Support Session, or one of my other offerings, please contact hello@the-intuitive-oracle.com for more information.

The path of the oracle
The Oracle is symbolic of Truth, Strength and Wisdom. She is an emissary of Light in physical form, inwardly bridging her celestial and earthly selves, as she spirals with the heartbeat of All-Life. She dances with the stars and planets, knowing that she is intimately connected to the cosmos. She embraces her choice to be on Earth, knowing that she is intimately supported by the heavens. She connects to the Truth of who she is and intuits her Inner Spirit Wisdom, while discovering her limitless Being. Trusting she is not alone, she calls on grace and her Family of Light to be with her, as she courageously honours her Light. Inspired by a Sacred Uprising within, she champions her Inner Agency of Self-Transformation and invites others to embody a New Way with her.
May you surrender to the mystery and illuminate a New Way,
as you awaken the luminescence of Truth Within.

Mission & Blessings
My mission is an evolving one and is revealed with each earthly step I take.
At the grandest level, I hold a vision of each individual living freely as their Highest Expression – unapologetically – along with the ending of all separation, within ourselves and as a collective.
For individuals on an Initiatory Path, referred to here as Inner Evolutionary Empowerment, the path itself can at times be felt as tumultuous, polarising and perplexing, as well as expansive and profoundly enriching.
As Initiates, much of our growth process on planet Earth is to transcend the discordant programs, patterns and timelines operating within, or intersecting with, the many levels and layers of our multidimensional selves, all-the-while reclaiming our True Spiritual Self. We are doing this powerful work whilst navigating the shifting earthly terrain without a manual or guidebook – because we are creating it as we go.
My mission as a starseed mentor, therefore, is to provide a relevant spiritual service that aligns to the new energy paradigm and champions awakening individuals seeking to spiritually self-develop.
We are not doing our great work alone. Trust in this as you navigate Your Way.
May you be courageous in Honouring the Light of your Limitless Self.
May you be fearless in Championing your Truth, Transformation and Freedom.
And may you be infinitely blessed on your Heroic Path of Inner Evolutionary Empowerment.
Thank you and Blessed Be.
Statement of Intention
The Intuitive Oracle is a Spiritual Empowerment Service devoted to providing Empaths, Initiates and Awakening Starseeds with spiritual support. It is founded upon integrity, neutrality and the Spirit of Kindness and facilitated by Sarah-Jane with the highest intention.
As a living consciousness field, this container is dedicated to working in alignment to the Enlightened Celestial Teams that serve Wholeness, Oneness and Truth. It is kindly asked that those entering this space and engaging with this spiritual offering, respect these same values also with the highest intention.
Within this container, the word "Oracle" is used with neutrality and as a potential pathway of empowerment for you to connect to your own Inner Truth and spiritual guidance.
May we all honour ourselves and each other.
Thank you and Blessed Be.

For enquiries, or to book a session, please contact hello@the-intuitive-oracle.com