What To Expect In A Session
Courageous One, it is an honour to serve and support you!
Within a session, we take a holistic approach and offer you spiritual support, with sacred intention, as you navigate Your Way.
All sessions are facilitated within a refined container that amplifies and fortifies our spiritual links to the celestial forces of Light, Wholeness and Truth. We work together in the highest capacity of spiritual service and I, Sarah-Jane, share with you information that is purposed to provide insight, healing and empowerment. I work in many ways, as I am guided, and in alignment to the benevolence of higher guidance and the Self-Sovereign Authority of your Greater Being.

While no session is the same, we may be guided to incorporate:
~ Intuitive Oracular Guidance
~ Empowerment Support
~ Spiritual Reclamation Work
~ Etheric Body Support
In many sessions, insights about the shifts we are experiencing collectively, which may be impacting you, may be shared. Any information brought into the session is for your awareness and provided to you in the integrity of authentic spiritual service, kindness and respect.
All information is purposed for your individual empowerment and is to be discerned by you through the qualification of your personal resonance.
At the bookend of a session, tools, processes and daily practices that assist with energetic support may also be suggested.

What you might experience after a session
Both during and after a session there is always some level of energy that is shifted – this process has usually started before a session has begun and how this shift may feel will be unique to you.
Rest and time to yourself are therefore highly recommended after receiving a session. This will assist you in your integration process and support any upgrades that are taking place.
Please see our list of services for more information.
May you be victorious on your Heroic Path of Empowerment.
May you embrace the Wisdom of the Oracle Within.
And may your unique Soul Path Be Blessed.